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16 Examples of Measurable Goals

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Measurable goals are objectives that can be measured with a number. This includes business and financial metrics and qualitative information measured with surveys and other quantified feedback. Choosing a measurable goal usually involves thinking through a measurement that you can realistically calculate. The following are illustrative examples.


An investment can be measured with return on investment. For example, a retiree has a goal of achieving a 6% annualized return on their savings over the long term.


A project is often viewed as an investment that can be measured with return on investment or net present value. Project participants may measure objectives in terms of delivering things on time and budget using metrics such as cost variance and schedule variance.


Quality can be measured with a defect rate or in terms of business results such as customer satisfaction or product ratings.


Knowledge is often measured by how much it gets used using metrics such as view count and citations.


Sales goals are often measured with revenue, customer lifetime value and customer satisfaction.


Delivering code on time and budget. Code quality metrics are also a way to measure coding objectives such as defects per thousand lines of code.


Measuring how well participants understand what has been communicated. For example, testing knowledge and perceptions after extensively communicating a firm's new business strategy.


Risk is measured with probability and impact. For example, a goal to reduce the risk of a supply chain disruption from 2% to 0.2% probability.


Automation projects are measured in terms of efficiency improvements, business optimization and cost reductions. For example, a project to semi-automate customer order processing may reduce average processing cost from $30 to $12 per order.


Reducing the number of incidents that can be viewed as compliance sensitive. For example, a bank that tracks any inaccuracies with customer accounts with a goal to reduce such incidents to zero.

Product Development

Launching a new product measured with first year revenue, time to market and time to volume.


Design metrics are often based on user surveys, product ratings and other customer feedback.


Cities typically measure initiatives in terms of quality of life and sustainability metrics. For example, a goal to make bicycle lanes safer measured with traffic accident rates.

Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is most commonly measured with employee surveys. It can also be measured with business results such as productivity rates. For example, a firm creates a new program to allow all employees to participate in strategy formation. They measure results by looking at the percentage of employees who strongly believe strategies will be successful.


Business strategies are measured with business metrics such as return on investment, brand awareness, customer satisfaction, margins and costs.

Time Management

Time management goals are typically measured with productivity, work quality and quality of life.
Overview: Measurable Goals
Objectives and goals that can be measured with a number.
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This is the complete list of articles we have written about goals.
Big Goals
Business Goals
Concrete Goals
Daily Goals
Efficiency Goals
Employee Goals
Future Goals
Goals List
IT Goals
Leadership Goals
Learning Goals
Long Term Goals
Management Goals
Measurable Goals
Outcome Goals
Performance Goals
Personal Goals
Process Goals
Productivity Goals
Professional Goals
Quality Goals
Service Goals
Stretch Goals
Types of Objectives
Work Goals
Workplace Goals
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