Intelligence including verbal, visual, spatial, mathematical, logical, social and emotional intelligence. Some leadership roles may focus on a particular type of intelligence. For example, a leadership role in nursing that requires social, emotional and verbal intelligence.Resilient
The ability to push through stress and problems without loss of energy and direction.Self-Directing
An ability to find direction on your own.Ethical
An individual with high ethical standards and the character strength to uphold these standards.Risk Taking
The bravery to take calculated risks in an environment of ambiguity and change.Competitive
An intense motivation to win and willingness to make sacrifices to do what is required to win.Strategic
The ability to develop and execute long term strategic plans as opposed to being stuck in a reactive or tactical mode.Humble
The recognition of the factors that contribute to your success such as other people.Candid
An openness and directness in communication. For example, the ability to criticise.Fair
Treating people impartially without favoritism or discrimination.Consistent
Leaders provide stability to a group such as a consistent long term strategy.Decisive
The ability to make reasonable decisions quickly without hesitation in an environment of change and unknowns.Adaptable
The ability to quickly adapt to change and to change your mind when you are wrong.Creative
The ability to generate non-obvious ideas that are valuable.Influential
Building relationships and influencing the ideas and actions of others. This includes the relational capital and cultural capital of a leader.Management
A talent for controlling resources and directing people.Measurement
The discipline to measure results, improve and measure again.Transparency
Managing relationships with stakeholders and providing them with transparency. For example, providing investors with an accurate picture of the current financial and strategic position of a firm.Knowledge
Leadership requires knowledge of the domain in which you are leading.Learning
The fluid intelligence required to learn, develop and change. For example, a leader who constantly learns from their team.Communication
Highly developed communication skills including a talent for public speaking.Storytelling
The ability apply storytelling techniques to make information interesting.Agent of Change
A talent for making change happen including the ability to defeat resistance to change.Personal Presence
A formidable personal presence that people respect such that they are willing to follow your direction.Abundance Mentality
The bravery to build-up others and support their success without feeling threatened.Motivation
The ability to motivate others. This can include an ability to inspire people to build intrinsic motivation, provide teams with incentives and manage poor performance.Delegation
The ability to delegate work and allow people the freedom to work as they want as long as they produce results in a reasonable way that is ethical. This allows a leader to be productive at the big picture level.Diligence
Exercising diligence in confirming that work is done properly. This may require attention to detail to manage issues and remain in touch with working level realities.Overview: Leadership Qualities | ||
Type | ||
Definition | Talents, characteristics and capabilities that are associated with effective leadership. | |
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