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6 Examples of Solution Architecture

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Solution architecture is a structural design that addresses a set of functional and non-functional requirements. Generally speaking, solution architecture is immediately implemented as a program, project or change. This differs from enterprise architecture that may include long term roadmaps that take many years to implement. The following are illustrative examples of solution architecture.

Business Architecture

Business architecture that maps a solution to business objectives. For example, a business capability map that outlines the capabilities of a solution.
business capability map simplicable
The business capabilities above would typically be referenced in requirements to provide traceability to things such as release, budget and technical component. This allows for dashboards to be created that demonstrate the business outcomes of technology improvements.

Information Architecture

Information architecture is the structure of information from the user perspective. For example, the following three layer structure for an ecommerce site.
information architecture simplicable
The information architecture above allows everything on the user interface to be reached within three clicks.

Information Security Architecture

It is common for projects to fit into existing information security practices. When this is the case, solution architecture may provide a conceptual security architecture and describe how the project complies in each area listed.
conceptual information security architecture

System Architecture

Systems are software entities that serve to automate work as opposed to acting as a tool for people to use. The following example of system architecture uses microservices to implement various automations for an ecommerce firm.
system architecture simplicable

Application Architecture

Applications are software tools for people to use. Their architecture is typically a simple layered structure such as the following model-view-controller based architecture.
application architecture

Technology Architecture

Technology architecture details the structural design of IT infrastructure to support the solution. In the past, many IT projects had a considerable infrastructure component as firms usually installed equipment for new services. Cloud infrastructure has simplified this process such that standard platforms can be scaled out for new services. The following example illustrates the technology infrastructure of a lightweight ecommerce service that uses a cloud content delivery network, cloud computing instances and a variety of platforms and APIs for data processing.
technology architecture simplicable
Overview: Solution Architecture
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