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Business goods are physical products that are marketed to businesses. This includes capital equipment, supplies, components, parts and materials. The following are common examples of business goods.
Aircraft | Cleaning Supplies | Combine Harvesters | Components | Computer Peripherals | Computers | Construction Equipment | Construction Materials | Construction Vehicles | Conveyor Systems | Data Storage Devices | Displays | Drones | Elevators & Escalators | Fixtures | Food Processing Machinery | Forklifts | Furniture | GPS Devices | Generators | HVAC Systems | Lab Instruments | Lighting | Lubricants | Manufacturing Equipment | Materials | Media Equipment | Mining Equipment | Mobile Devices | Network Infrastructure | Office Electronics | Office Supplies | Ovens | Packing Materials | Paper | Parts | Power Management Systems | Printed Products | Railway Locomotives | Robotics | Safety Equipment | Satellites | Security Infrastructure | Sensors | Shipping Containers | Ships | Signs | Software | Solar Panels | Sound Systems | Storage Systems | Telephony Equipment | Testing Equipment | Tools | Tractors | Transformers | Trucks | Uniforms | Vehicles | Wind Turbines |
Capital equipment are products that a business uses over the long term to produce value such as aircraft. Supplies are consumables that are used up over time such as cleaning products. Components, parts and materials are goods that go into the products of a business such as wood that is used to make furniture products.
Capital GoodsCapital goods are investments in a business that generate value over time. These are durable physical things such as machines and vehicles that are used to conduct business.Business SuppliesPhysical products that are consumed as business is conducted. This can also include inexpensive capital goods such as small tools.Industrial GoodsBusiness goods that are used to produce the products of a business. This includes raw materials and intermediate goods such as components and parts.SummaryThe following is a basic overview of business goods with additional examples.Next: Business Services
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