Accounting & Auditing | Aerospace |
Agriculture | Airlines |
Amusement & Recreation | Arts & Culture |
Banking | Business Services |
Chemical Industry | Construction |
Consumer Discretionary | Consumer Services |
Consumer Staples | Ecommerce |
Education | Energy |
Engineering | Entertainment |
Environment | Fashion |
Forestry | Government |
Healthcare | Heavy Industry |
Hotels | Information Technology |
Infrastructure | Insurance |
Law | Life Sciences |
Logistics | Manufacturing |
Media | Mining |
Non-profits | Personal Services |
Professional Services | Publishing |
Real Estate | Renewable Energy |
Restaurants | Retail |
Science | Space |
Technology & Information Services | Telecom |
Tourism | Transportation |
Utilities | Wholesale |
Consumer Goods & Retail
Businesses that manufacture, distribute and sell goods to individuals and households. This includes all retailers and ecommerce firms that sell physical products to individuals.
Consumer Services
Industries that offer intangible value to individuals and households. This includes major industries such as hospitality, restaurants, media, entertainment personal services and professional services.
Technology & Information Services
Industries related to computing including hardware, software, consulting and services for businesses and consumers.
Healthcare & Life Sciences
Organizations focused on the health and well-being of people including scientific research, medical innovation and healthcare services. These are typically a mix of public and private sector institutions and firms.
Financial Services
Firms and institutions that manage money and financial assets and facilitate financial transactions.
Industry verticals relate to the practice of targeting business customers in a particular industry with products, services and advice tailored to their needs and challenges. For example, a billing system for the telecom industry. This can be contrasted with horizontal markets whereby products provide functionality that can be used by any industry. For example, a generic billing system that can handle the billing needs of most businesses.