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What is Marketing Experimentation?

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Marketing experimentation is the practice of making changes to products, prices, promotion and customer experiences to see how customers react. Results can be quantitative or qualitative.

Quantitative Marketing Experiments

Quantitative marketing experiments often involve an A/B test that compares two product versions, prices, user interfaces, promotions or experiences against measurable results. For example, a retailer could release the same two shoes at two different prices at similar stores to see which sells better.

Qualitative Marketing Experiments

Qualitative experiments may result in numerical data but are based on some form of qualitative judgement by the customer. For example, a restaurant can change their coffee and ask customers to rate how it tastes.
Overview: Marketing Experimentation
Making changes to products, prices, promotion, user interfaces and customer experiences to see how customers react.
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Market Research

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Focus Group
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Market Environment
Market Intelligence
Market Needs
Market Sizing
Marketing Analysis
Mkt Research Analysis
Moment Of Truth
Observational Study
PESTEL Analysis
Product Metrics
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