Product Development
Marketer: Do you like this package?Customer: No, not really
Marketer: Why?
Customer: It just looks like it's trying too hard.
Marketer: Why?
Customer: It's all gold and shiny. It's too flashy.
Marketer: How did that advertisement make you feel?Customer: Thirsty
Marketer: Thirsty for our product?
Customer: Yeah sure, I guess
Marketer: You mean it made you generally thirsty?
Customer: Well, you just show the product for about half a second
Marketer: That was difficult to notice?
Customer: Yeah, I was thinking about beer when that guy looked so thirsty like that
Marketer: But you do like bottled water?
Customer: Sure, but that ad had me thinking beer
Job Interview
Manager: What is the difference between good code and bad code?Candidate: Good code is scalable and efficient
Manager: What makes code scalable?
Candidate: You can deploy it on lots of machines
Manager: So what makes that possible?
Candidate: The cloud?
Manager: I mean, how do you write code that works well on the cloud?
Candidate: Not sure
Overview: Ladder Interview | ||
Type | Market ResearchInterviewing | |
Definition | Starting with simple questions and then asking a series of follow up questions designed to achieve a highly detailed answer. | |
Related Concepts |