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Market analysis is an exploration of an industry, market or niche. Market research is an exploration of target markets and customers. Market Analysis vs Market ResearchMarket analysis occurs at the strategic level to make decisions such as entering markets, leaving markets and making investments. It is focused on the structure of an industry, sub-industry, sector, market or niche market. Market analysis typically includes factors such as market size, growth rate, profitability, cost structure, trends, distribution channels and competitive environment.
The term market research is heavily associated with marketing strategy in areas such as product development, promotion, pricing and distribution. Market research may include a market analysis but also takes a deeper look at the customer. For example, a fashion company that is considering launching a line of shoes may conduct market research to understand why some shoes sell well and others flop on the market. They may consider factors such as customer needs, fashion trends, competition and influencers in the market to determine how their brand might fit in.
| Market Analysis | Market Research | Definition | Analysis of an industry, sector, market or niche. | Analysis of target markets and customers. | Focused On | Market StructureCompetition | Market DetailsCompetitionCustomers | Associated With | | |
Market Research
This is the complete list of articles we have written about market research.
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A systematic investigation of market conditions including customers and the competition.
An overview of competitive intelligence.
An overview of total addressable market with an example.
The difference between market penetration and market share.
A list of common types of target market.
A definition of lead user with examples.
A definition of competitor analysis with examples.
A list of key marketing strategies.
An overview of 20+ common branding techniques.
A list of common ways to measure marketing results.
An overview of common pricing strategies.
A definition of product positioning with examples.
Common types of brand storytelling.
The common types of cross-selling.
The common types of marketing campaign.
The common types of marketing automation.
The common types of target marketing.
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