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60 Examples of Competitor Analysis

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A competitor analysis is an assessment the position of competitors or potential competitors. This is a common market research activity that is performed to identify opportunities and risks associated with strategies such as a new product. The following are examples of things that are commonly included in a competitor analysis.
Adoption rates
Barriers to exit for customers
Brand awareness
Brand identity & image
Brand recognition
Build quality
Cash position & debt
Competitive advantages
Competitive disadvantages
Conformance quality
Corporate culture
Corporate identity
Customer acquisition cost
Customer behavior
Customer churn
Customer complaints
Customer experience
Customer loyalty
Customer perceptions
Customer ratings & reviews
Customer satisfaction
Customer segments
Design quality
Distribution channels
Employee satisfaction
Expansion plans
Financial performance
Geographical coverage
Gross margins
Growth rate
Influencer relationships
Innovation approach & budget
Intellectual property
Major customers
Market niche
Market share
Marketing budget
Marketing campaigns
Online presence
Operating margins
Overhead costs
Press coverage
Price strategy
Product differentiation
Product lines
Product positioning
Product reviews
Product styles & colors
Promotion & advertising strategy
Service culture
Social and environmental responsibility
Target customers
Terms & conditions
Unit costs
Visual identity
Why customers switch to your products

Brand Awareness

The percentage of your target market that are familiar with the competitor's brand. Customers tend to buy what they recognize and it can be difficult to challenge a brand that is well known.


Estimating the costs of a competitor's products from financial statements. In many industries, cost is a key factor and challenging a competitor that has efficiently scaled is difficult.


Identifying the strengths and weakness of the competitor's products from sources such as product reviews.

Customer Experience

Evaluations of the competitor's customer experience such as customer service.


Considering the relationships of the competitor with regulators, partners, customers and communities.


Looking at the competitor's distribution strategy. For example, a competitor that doesn't compete in a particular region.


Considering the competitor's marketing strategies such as promotional activities and pricing.


A summary of competitive strengths that are difficult to challenge.


Opportunities such as dissatisfied customers, competitive disadvantages or niches that aren't served by competitors.
Overview: Competitor Analysis
An assessment the position of potential competitors to identify the opportunities and risks of a strategy.
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