Affordable | Artisanal |
Artistic | Attentive |
Authentic | Charismatic |
Classic | Comfortable |
Compassionate | Convenient |
Country of origin such as American | Creative |
Customizable | Cutting-edge |
Distinguished | Durable |
Easy-to-use | Elegant |
Environmentally friendly | Established |
Ethical | Exclusive |
Expensive | Feminine |
Fresh | Friendly |
Fun | Glamorous |
Gourmet | Handcrafted |
Healthy | High-quality |
Iconic | Inclusive |
Local | Luxurious |
Masculine | Middle class |
Modern | Natural |
Organic | Outdoorsy |
Patriotic | Playful |
Practical | Premium |
Professional | Reliable |
Responsive | Revolutionary |
Safe | Secure |
Sophisticated | Sporty |
Stylish | Tasty |
Thoughtful | Time-saving |
Timeless | Traditional |
Trendy | Trustworthy |
Understated | Unique |
Upper class | Value for money |
Reputable | Visionary |
Working class | Youthful |
How well your products fulfill customer needs. For example, a mobile device that is durable, useful and usable.Value
The amount of quality relative to price such as a mobile device that is perceived as high quality but overpriced.Visual
The visual appeal of the brand including products and services.Senses
Beyond visual appeal, smell, taste, touch and sound can make an impression. For example, shampoo that smells good.Personality
A customer's overall impression of your brand may be described with the same concepts that are used to describe people. For example, a brand may be thought of as friendly, reliable or stylish.Reputation & Legacy
Perceptions of the behavior, values and history of a firm.Status & Culture
The social status and culture that surrounds the brand. For example, a brand that is associated with sailing or snowboarding subcultures.Overview: Brand Perception | ||
Type | ||
Definition | The reality of how customers view your brand. | |
Related Concepts |