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Scalability is the ability for a technology, system, process or business to handle additional volumes. A highly scalable business allows new capacity to be added quickly at low cost with little associated risk. The term scalability implies declining costs due to economies of scale as business volumes increase.
ExamplesA cloud infrastructure platform that allows a business to scale usage of computing and storage on demand.A manufacturer that enjoys declining cost-per-unit as demand for its products grows.A startup company that sees operating margins improve with revenue growth.|
Type | | Definition | | Related Concepts | | Next: Examples of Scalability
This is the complete list of articles we have written about quality.
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A list of quality types.
The subtle difference between quality and value.
The common types of quality metrics.
The primary types of service quality.
The common types of experience quality.
A definition of critical to customer with examples.
An overview of design life with examples.
The common types of planned obsolescence.
The definition of quality objectives with examples.
A definition of credence quality.
A guide to management techniques.
A list of techniques for developing and implementing a strategy.
The basics of productivity.
A guide to project management.
The common types of internal benchmarking.
A definition of internal customer with examples.
A definition of business optimization with examples.
The common types of team objective.
A definition of internal stakeholder with examples.
An overview of the different types of management planning.
A definition of management with examples.
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