Technology Guides
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Data in rest is data that is stored for later use. This is a classification that is used to identify data that requires encryption. Where it is common for firms to encrypt data in transit because this encryption is visible to customers, in some cases firms skip encryption of data in rest. This violates the principle of defense in depth that requires each layer of security not to make assumptions that resources have been secured by other layers. Generally speaking, encryption of data in rest greatly reduces risks as it serves as a final protection for data if your networks and systems are breached. The following are illustrative examples of data in rest.
Cloud InfrastructureA social network stores a history of user interactions on data storage infrastructure in a number of data centers.A bank stores a customer's bank balance in databases in a data center.Mobile DevicesA mobile device stores contact information in a local file.
Consumer ProductsA camera stores photos on a memory card.|
Type | | Definition | Data that is stored for later use. | Also Known As | Data At Rest | Related Concepts | | Next: Data States
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