Action-Oriented | Adhoc Processes / Procedures / Practices |
Ambitious | Big Picture Thinker |
Challenges Assumptions | Clears Issues / Persistent |
Collaborative | Commanding / Authoritative |
Conscientious | Consensus Builder |
Constructive / Positive / Optimistic | Continuous Improvement |
Continuous Learning & Research | Controls Processes / Procedures / Practices |
Cooperative | Creative / Inventive / Experiments |
Critical / Realistic | Data Driven |
Decisive / Fast Reasonable Decisions | Defends Status Quo |
Delegates (clears work to others) | Design Thinker |
Detail-Oriented | Diligent |
Direct & Candid | Disagreeable / Hostile |
Engaged / Motivated / Connected | Flexible |
Friendly / Approachable | Grit & Resilience |
High Standards / Demanding | Humble / Not Arrogant |
Independent | Leads by Example |
Learns from Mistakes | Logical / Rational |
Low Standards / Permissive | Micromanagement |
Outgoing | Overcommits / Overextends |
Passive | Perfectionist |
Plans Ahead / Structures Work | Prioritizes & Sets Expectations |
Reacts to the Moment / Adaptable | Relationship Builder |
Reliable | Requires Direction |
Requires Stability & Certainty | Requires Structure |
Requires Supervision | Scientific Mindset |
Self-Aware / Self-Improving | Self-Directed |
Self-Disciplined | Self-Starter |
Service Mindset | Social |
Strategic Thinker | Supportive |
Systems Thinker | Tactful & Diplomatic |