A consumer business is a business that sells goods and services to individuals, families and other social groups. This can be contrasted with businesses that sell to governments, non-profits and other businesses.
Agents & Brokers | Airlines | Automotive Industry | Beverages | Candy | Childcare | Cleaning Supplies | Clubs & Activities | Consumer Durables | Consumer Staples | Consumer Technology | Cosmetics | Crafts | Cultural Items | Diy Supplies | Ecommerce | Energy | Entertainment | Eye Care | Fashion | Fast Moving Consumer Goods | Festivals, Concerts & Events | Films | Financial Services | | Food | Footwear | Furniture & Bedding | Gardening Supplies & Services | Hobby Supplies | Home Builders | Home Decor | Home Renovation | Hospitality | Hotels | Insurance | Internet Services | Lifestyle Goods | Luxury Goods | Maintenance & Repair | Media | Mobile Apps | Mobile Services | Music | Night Economy | Nutrition | Personal Services | Pet Supplies | Pharmaceuticals | Private Events (e.g. weddings) | Professional Services | Publishing | Recreational Facilities | Restaurants | Retail | Secondhand Goods | Social Media | Sporting Goods | Stationery | Technology Services | Theme Parks | Toiletries | Tools | Toys | Traditional Items | Transportation | Travel | Tutoring | Utilities | Video Games |
NotesFast moving consumer goods are products that are regularly consumed and replenished. This is a very large industry that is extremely competitive.For the purposes of the list above, medical services and education are assumed to be public services. In nations where these are private or partially private, these are also consumer services.In an advanced economy, consumer spending far exceeds business or government spending such that it represents the dominant portion of GDP. For example, in the United States, consumer spending was 69% of GDP in 2020†.
Business Models
This is the complete list of articles we have written about business models.
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References †U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Shares of gross domestic product: Personal consumption expenditures, 2020.
A list of common business models.
An overview of added value with examples.
The practice of taking advantage of price differences in two or more markets.
A business model that involves selling a product or service that requires regular supplies to operate.
A retailing strategy that combines physical locations with a strong ecommerce presence.
An overview of business products with examples.
An a-z list of common small businesses.
A list of common types of business opportunity.
A list of business ideas.
An extensive list of business strategies.
A reasonably comprehensive guide to strategy.
The difference between a baseline and a benchmark.
A definition of strategy vs tactics with two examples.
A few sources of competitive advantage for businesses.
A list of macro environment components.
The difference between competitive advantage and distinctive capability.
An overview of a common business strategy.
A definition of restructuring with examples.
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