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20 Types of Management Training

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Management training is the development of knowledge and abilities required to direct people and control resources to achieve goals. This includes general preparation training for new managers and deep dives into management capabilities for experienced managers. The following are common types of management training.
management training

Leadership Training

The practice of influencing and motivating people to accomplish shared goals.

Project Management

The planning and control of projects including training that prepares project managers for professional certification.

Change Management

The practice of leading change by building support, clearing issues, supporting agents of change and sidelining resistance to change.

Internal Training

Training in the internal processes, practices, policy and structure of an organization. For example, training in the human resource and financial control processes of a firm.

Communication Training

Communication training such in areas such as public speaking and information visualization.


Techniques for transcending the static and obvious to generate usual value. Managers may also be trained in creative leadership, the practice of inspiring creativity in others.


Techniques for negotiating agreements and closing deals.

Time Management

Improving productivity with approaches that make better use of time.


Training in rules, regulations and standards for compliance. This includes training related to standards certification.

Quality Training

Quality management, quality control and quality assurance training.

Risk Management

Training related to the identification, analysis and treatment of risk.

Managing Talent

Techniques for managing highly talented employees and employees with high potential. Managers may have individuals on their team who are more influential, higher paid and critical to the firm than themselves. This can present special challenges for the manager.

Strategic Planning

The process of developing strategy.

Decision Making

Training related to decision making in areas such as design thinking, critical thinking and systems thinking.

Measurement & Metrics

Developing and using management accounting and business metrics.

Performance Management

The process of setting goals, evaluating performance, communicating performance feedback, rewarding high performers and managing low performance.

Coaching & Mentoring

Training in methods for coaching and mentoring.

Managing Up

The process of selling the value of your team and influencing senior management.

Conflict Management

The process of limiting negative aspects of conflict while also recognizing positive elements of conflict such as creative tension.

Financial Management

Financial management training for managers is typically focused on the development and control of budgets. For example, the process of developing reasonable estimates.
Overview: Management Training
The development of knowledge and abilities required to direct people and control resources to achieve goals.
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