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7 Types of Technology Design

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Technology design is the practice of creating technology products, services and environments. This is not a single practice but is rather a collection of design practices that include:

Product Design

The design of products and services is typically viewed as a process of innovation and development. The objective is to design products and services that customers view as valuable based on their needs, preferences and perceptions. Product design is often a multidisciplinary initiative that may include elements of marketing, engineering and operations.

Visual Design

Visual design including the look and feel of products, user interfaces, brand symbols and packaging.

User Experience

The end-to-end experience of using a technology from the perspective of customers. This is typically focused on user interface design but can also include any element of a design that impacts customer needs and perceptions. For example, the form and weight of a mobile device may greatly influence the user experience.

Information Design

The design of communications and information environments.

Software Architecture

The structural design of software. Software can be extremely complex such that it is designed both at the structural and detailed level. This is analogous to an architect designing the structure of a building with interior designers planning the rooms.

Software Design

The practice of planning software. Requires the talent of experienced software developers who can map out components, layers, interfaces, algorithms and data that meet a set of requirements in a reasonably efficient and resilient way.


The application of math and science to the design of things. There is often some overlap between software design and engineering and they share approaches in areas such as reliability engineering.
Overview: Technology Design
The practice of designing technology products, services and environments.
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